Channel: jocelyn giangrande, ma, sphr, ccdp, shrm-scp
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3 Easy Steps to Communicate Effectively and Get Your Opinions Heard

Career expert, Jocelyn Giangrande shows professional women how to communicate effectively, get their opinions heard and to earn respect in business meetings. Continue reading

3 Things You Should Never Say to Your Boss

Communicating confidently with your boss can be challenging. Day- to- day we have conversations with our boss that impact how they view our work, our potential and our relationship. Therefore, knowing how to talk to your boss with confidence as well as ensuring that you are building the right reputation is critical. There are 3 things you should avoid saying to your boss to maintain a positive impression. Continue reading

Where Are You Going? Why you need to look to the past for success

"To change where you're going, you need to know where you've been."-Jocelyn Giangrande Where You're Going, depends a great deal on where you've been. Therefore, I always reflect on the past to make plans for the future. When you evaluate your past, it gives you the opportunity to learn from mistakes and enhance your strengths. Taking this step is critical to future success. Continue reading

What’s Holding You Back From Reaching Your Goals? The One Thing You May Be Missing.

What if I told you that by doing just this one thing, you could increase your chances of keeping your resolution by 80%. Would you believe me? Well, it is true. Most of us fail to do the one thing that is critical to us reaching our goals. What is it you ask? Continue reading

Career Lessons You Can Learn From the Super Bowl

There are many career strategies hidden in the world of sports that can help you increase your competitive advantage. The Super Bowl can help women set the proper foundation for career success by incorporating some of their tactics. Next time you watch the big game, don’t think of it as just football. Instead, think of all of the strategies you can gain to take your game to the next level. Continue reading

How Strong is Your Resume? 5 Common Mistakes That Zap Your Power

Whether my client is new to the job market or has several years of professional experience, I see critical resume mistakes that prevent talented professionals from having a powerful resume. Strong resumes take a strategic approach and resume writing should be taken seriously. Learn how to write a strong resume with these following resume examples. There are many things that may contribute to your resume being overlooked, tossed or simply not considered. Continue reading

How to Make Linkedin Work For You

When it comes to social networking, many women tell me that they don't have a clue if they are doing it right. And those who do use it, don't always feel that they are getting anything out of it. The truth is, social networking/media does work. In fact I received speaking engagements, clients and job leads all from Linked In. How? By following these simple steps. Continue reading

Do You Know Your Numbers? Why You May Be Selling Yourself Short

Few of us pay close attention to our numbers in the workplace. This tendency impacts our ability to promote our value. Numbers tell our worth, our potential and allow us to build confidence in our ability. It's difficult to promote our value without the numbers to back it up. Continue reading

5 Ways to Boost Your Reputation

When it comes to jobs, businesses or relationships, rarely are decisions about you based on how good you are. Often, you’re selected based on what others think of you, your reputation. Many decisions are based on an individual's reputations. Therefore, keeping a gleaming reputation is important. Here are five ways you can give yours a boost. Continue reading

How to Move Towards Your Dream

I've come to realize that achieving a goal is not as difficult as it may seem. It's taking the first step that is the most challenging. When it comes to moving towards your goal whether professionally or personally, it starts with action. Continue reading

2012 Confident Woman Conference-Oct. 27, 2012

Every Woman Needs Confidence for Career and Business Success!  Super Charge Your Confidence by Joining In. On October 27, 2012, over 100 women are getting together for a transformational experience designed to help sell ourselves with confidence, promote the right … Continue reading

Are You Confident Enough?

Most of you if asked, would say you're confident. To some extent, that would be true. However, my question to you is ...are you confident enough? Continue reading

3 Strategies to Boost Your Game


Powerful WomanWhen it comes to strategies, much of what you do to stay competitive depends on your goals.  However, there are three strategies every professional should do to keep a competitive edge. 

-Jocelyn Giangrande

Strategy #1: Promote Your Expertise

The first step to boosting your game, is knowing how to self-promote your expertise.  Self-promotion is an art and it doesn’t mean bragging, boasting or being an annoyance.  Instead, it’s about letting others know what you’re bringing to the table in a way that’s intriguing and helpful.  When others know what you do and how successful you are doing it, it opens opportunities.

There are many people looking for experts like you.  Self-promotion can bring the two of you together.

Strategy #2:  Be Strategic About Your Network

Whether you’re looking for a job, advancement or business contacts, your network is important to your competitive edge.  However, to get the most out of it, you must use it strategically.

Strategic networking isn’t about quantity.  It’s about investing in a network that connects with your goals and there’s mutual benefit.  Networking done strategically can connect you to opportunities, information, and customers.

Networking is a must and having a strategy that includes a goal, those who should be in your circle and how to find and engage them, produces better results.

Strategy #3:  Get Involved by Giving Back.

Most underestimate the benefits of volunteering.  Besides helping the community, it’s also a great way to sharpen skills, showcase talents and build relationships.  Whether you’re employed or not, getting involved is a great way to stay current.

When it comes to volunteering, there are many opportunities in companies, associations and community organizations.  People are always willing to accept additional help and giving your time can open doors in many ways.  When done right, it’s a win-win.

In Closing

Taking your game to the next level is important in this market.  However, it can be overwhelming trying to decide how to do it.  Focusing on self-promotion, strategic networking and getting involved are three strategies that bring big returns.   Work smarter by putting time in these areas and boost your game in the process.

How to Fall in Love With Your Goals


“Although many of us have goals, few have made a love connection to them. Without a connection, goals can easily become meaningless burdens or dreams we never accomplish”.- Jocelyn Giangrande

With Valentine’s Day around the corner and love in the air, it’s a great time to fall in love with your New Year’s goals.  Although many of us have goals, few of us have formed a love connection to them. 

Below are three ways to help you get connected to your goals and fall in love:

 1.  Be specific:  If you’re familiar with SMART goals, you know about being specific.  However, we often underestimate the importance of this step.  When we write goals, many of us believe they’re specific enough to get us moving. I beg to differ.   Check out the difference between a basic goal and a specific goal:

 Basic Goal:  To purchase a condo. 

 Specific Goal: To purchase a detached split-level condo in 12 months with 2-3 bedrooms, 2 baths, in Oakland county, for $125,000, etc………….. (You get the point).

The more specific, the more you’re able to see yourself accomplishing the goal and you can plan strategically. That brings you and your goal closer together.

 2.  Answer “Why?”  Few of us answer the question “Why?” we have the goal in the first place. Why is the goal important and what are you trying to accomplish?  Answering them brings meaning to your goals and helps ensure that what you’re working on and trying to accomplish, are aligned.  It also helps to prioritize.  That way you work on what really matters.

3.  Make it visible.  Motivational speaker Tony Robbins once said;  “Goals make the invisible, visible.”  I would add, “Only if you can see it.” Therefore, visualize yourself accomplishing the goal. how it feels, how it looks. Get as vivid as possible.  This practice helps make an emotional connection and bring it to life.

Just having a goal is not enough.  Falling in love, makes it attainable, meaningful, and emotionally engaging.  That goes a long way in bringing you closer to it and the love connection that makes it worthwhile.

How to Love “You” This Valentine’s Day!


Love Yourself This Valentine’s Day!

“With Valentine’s Day upon us and love in the air, few of us think of throwing some love to ourselves.”-Jocelyn

Filling up your bucket with positive thoughts goes a long way in building your confidence, energy and overall attitude.  Therefore, I challenge you to spend some time loving yourself today.  Below are some ways to help you do just that.

  1. Start and End Each Day on a Positive Note.  I start my day with my Confident Woman Choice Pledge This gives me positive energy and power to start my day.  It also armors me to protect myself from arrows and daggers that get thrown at us.  At night, I end my day with a Reflection that highlights the great things I accomplished and anything I want to do differently.
  2. Make a Brag List.  Who said it’s wrong to brag?  I believe every woman should brag to herself about how great she is at least once per year.  On my birthday, I do a Brag List in which I write down everything I’m grateful for, my accomplishments and anything that I’ve learned.  This keeps me fueled to move forward and tuned into my progress whether large or small.
  3. Change Your Thinking.  As cliche’ as it sounds, you are what you think.  Therefore, be careful what you let float around your head.  Many of us fill our thoughts with negativity and resentment especially when it comes to ourselves.  Make an effort to think positively. Focus on what’s right about you and flaunt it.  I stay positive by doing my Confident Mindset Exercise.

Valentine’s Day is a wonderful holiday.  It reminds us to spread love to those who make our lives special.  It’s also a great time to acknowledge how wonderful we are and to celebrate it.  So, during this loving time, let’s not forget to show ourselves some love too!

P.S.   If you would like copies of the exercises mentioned above, like us on Facebook .

Check out my other posts that will help you spread the love even further.

How to Love the Job You Hate

How to Fall In Love with Your Goals

How do you love you?  Join in and share your thoughts, ideas and tips by leaving a comment.

How Beyonce’“Claimed It” at the Super Bowl


It was no secret that Beyonce’ may have felt pressure to prove herself after the inauguration  lip-syncing incident.

Although my impression of her never changed (she’s awesome in my book), I still felt that she had something to prove.  However, when she walked on the stage, I knew she had it down.

The first thing I noticed about her performance was her determination when she started out.  Her eyes, posture and facial expression told me, she had “claimed” a perfect performance and it all boiled down to CONFIDENCE.

Often when my friends and I encourage each other, we say; “Claim it Girl”.  This is usually done to give confidence or positive support to help her reach her goals.  We know that in order to reach your goals, you have to have confidence and belief in oneself.  Our encouragement is to help build that confidence.

Telling our friends to “Claim it” is a powerful command.  To “Claim it” or to “Own it” means that you have confidence that you can, and will do it.  That’s what Beyonce’ had on Super Bowl Sunday. It’s this type of confidence that’s critical to success.

The confidence Beyonce’ portrayed was most likely driven by her mindset.  “Claiming it” takes a confident mind that tells itself; “I can do it”.  You throw caution to the wind and claim victory.  If you’re a winner in your mind, you can be a winner on the ground.

When Beyonce’ came on stage, I said; “Claim it Girl!”   However, the confidence seen in her eye contact, posture and energy, told me she already had it in the bag.

Tell us what you think?

How Relationships Get You Jobs, Customers and Opportunities


The other day a consultant friend of mine told me that she was exhausted from trying to sell her services.  She found the process uncomfortable, taxing and in conflict with her style.  She also stated she was tired of hearing “no” which wasn’t helping her self-esteem.

Hating sales myself, I knew from where she was coming. Therefore I offered the following advice: “To stop selling and start engaging.“ 

Whether you’re selling services, products or skills for a job, no one wants to be sold to.  Think of the negative reputation of hard salespeople.  Although my friend wasn’t a hard salesperson, most people shut down when they think they’re being sold.  You get much further when you build relationships first.

Need more leads, customers or a job? Build engaging relationships.  Below are three ideas to consider:

  1. Change your mindset.  Don’t think “sell”, think “engage.” Therefore, try changes your focus to building relationships.  Network and connect with your potential customer base.  Going to lunch or having a cup of coffee to become better acquainted works wonders in building connections. Spend time getting to know others and finding common ground.  People are more likely to buy from someone they know than an unknown.
  2. Get in front of your customer.  Think of ways to demonstrate what your offering so potential buyers can see it in action.  Many of us don’t know what we need until we see it.  This technique is used by infomercials.  Think of demonstrations at trade shows when the vacuum cleaner salesperson throws dirt on the floor and then cleans it up right in front of you.  They know that once you see it, you can’t live without it.  You can try the same technique.
  3. Do it for Free.  Accepting free engagements and volunteering has helped me build many connections and build credibility.  Although I’ve learned to be strategic about my selections, I never see volunteering as “doing it for free”.  Instead, I view it as advertising, exposure and a way to increase my contact base.  Don’t get me wrong, I still need to bring home a paycheck.  However, I volunteer when I can and I’m selective.  It’s  also a great way to demonstrate your skills if you’re looking for a job.

Don’t get frustrated trying to sell your services, products or skills.  Instead, try engaging your potential customer by changing your mindset, getting in front of them or doing it for free.  You’ll be surprised how effective it can be. Better yet, it’s much more fun.  Good luck!

Why Your First Impression is Critical to Your Brand


If you want a rock solid brand, you must make a rock solid first impression.

Today, many professionals understand the importance of establishing a strong professional brand.  However, few focus enough on one important factor, the first impression.

The Cliche “you only get one chance to make a first impression” is basically true, especially when it comes to your brand.  If you wish to make a great first impression, consider these interesting stats adapted from “Professional Branding for Maximum Performance, 2006″:

  • In 1/4 of a second, people make up their mind about you.
  • In the first five seconds, a person’s impression of you flips back and forth eleven times.
  • The first impression is more important than the next five impressions.

What does this have to do with your professional brand?  It means that your brand and image may be sealed in six seconds and before you even open your mouth.

If you want a rock solid brand, you must make a rock solid first impression.  Leave them talking positively about you by focusing on the following:

  1. Your Appearance:  Your appearance is the most critical when making a first impression.  Therefore, it’s important to make sure you are presenting yourself the way you wish be known.  According to the American Economic Review, attractive people are considered to be more competent and knowledgeable.  Harvard Business Review stated that women who wear natural looking makeup got more promotions.  Please note: attractive doesn’t mean pretty.  You can be attractive by looking well-put-together.
  2. Your Greeting:  People assess your image by how you greet them.  Do you come with energy and confidence.  Does your face say “I’m happy to be here or see you?” The handshake is most important in sending messages about your confidence.  Be sure to make it firm, give eye contact and smile through the greeting.
  3. Your Body Language:  ninety-three percent of what you communicate comes from your body language, gestures and facial expressions.  Therefore, be sure that you are communicating the right message.  Good posture, open-hand gestures and a friendly face makes people remember you and feel good in your presence.  This adds up to a great first impression.

If you aim to have a great professional brand, be sure to focus on making a positive first impression.  Chances are, you may not get a second chance.

How to Own Your Next Interview


Hooray Interview

A former client contacted me in a panic.  She was driving herself crazy preparing for an interview.  By the time she called, her head was spinning.

Knowing that she was more than qualified and a strong candidate, I asked her why she was so anxious.  She stated,

” I have prepared answers for twenty-five questions and now I’m overwhelmed with trying to keep it all straight.  I wanted to know what questions you think they’ll ask and if I missed anything.”

Considering the late hour and her mood, I offered the following advice:

“Stop spinning your wheels and focus on owning the interview.” This I knew would regain her power and highlight her strengths and potential.

Preparing for an interview is a grueling process.  Often we’re nervous because we don’t  know what’s going to be asked and we know the interviewer holds the power.  This lack of control makes it a nerve-wracking process.

Instead of spinning your wheels, I offer another approach to interview preparation;  owning the interview.

It’s common to give ownership to the interviewer.  Don’t get me wrong, the interviewer is the host and drives the pace and structure.  However, you can own your responses, and that’s a lot of power.

Preparing responses that demonstrate attributes and skills that’ll make you successful in the role, will strengthen your interview.  Therefore, own your next interview by trying the following:

  1. Think of What You Want Tell:  In my experience, you can’t go wrong with selling your strengths and potential,  Therefore, instead of thinking what the interviewer will ask, think of what you want to tell them.  Chances are, you’ll be asked questions about your organizational, leadership and communication skills.  Therefore, prepare at least 5 potential responses that demonstrate those attributes/skills and the results. Be sure to consider problems the potential employer faces and how you solved the same or similar ones.
  2. Prepare Success Stories: Examples that demonstrate teamwork, collaboration,  creativity and conflict resolution are always winners.  Chances are, your interviewer will be interested in your experience in these areas.  Be prepared to describe a situation, what actions you took and the outcomes.
  3. Demonstrate That You’re a Fit:  Researching a company requires more than just  its statistics and facts.  It should also include understanding the environment, team and boss.  Research to learn about the interviewer as well. Responses that highlight your fit for the environment, type of work, team or boss will set you apart.

When it comes to preparing for your next interview, try taking ownership by telling them what you want them to know.  With a little tweaking, most responses will fit the questions asked.  With this approach, you gain power by taking out the guess work and you’re sure to promote your strengths and potential as well.

© SASHE, LLC , The Confident Woman, 2013. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author  is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Jocelyn Giangrande, SASHE, LLC  and The Confident Woman with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

How to Stand Out From the Crowd

To Compete, You Must Stand Out From the Crowd!

To Compete, You Must Stand Out From the Crowd!

The world is full of talented people with great experience.  Many of them are competing for the same jobs, clients and leads. Therefore, in this competitive market, one can’t be ordinary.  In order to compete, you must stand out and shine.

I often tell my clients, unless you differentiate yourself from the competition, you will go unnoticed.  Clients, employers and potential leads need to know what makes you a better choice.  The following are a few ideas to help you set yourself apart:

  1. Be unique and memorable. Everyone needs a gimmick.  Whether it’s your signature color, fashion or hairstyle, you should look for something that makes you unique.  Sometimes it can be your personality, a statement piece of jewelry or  interesting shoes.  I’m known as “the lady in red” because I’ve branded myself as being confident and I wear my signature red when I speak in public.  The point is to find your uniqueness.
  2. Have fresh ideas, solutions and input. Everyone loves to find those whom always come with innovation solutions to challenging problems.  Be the one who often comes to the table with something new.  Many companies are looking for innovative talent.  If you have great ideas, find creative ways to share them.
  3. Stay current and progressive.  Everyone notices those whom look and act progressive.  Updating your look can go a long way in helping you stand out.  People are attracted to those who look like they are going places.  Therefore, stay up on the trends in technology, fashion and industry knowledge.  Most professionals get comfortable and settle in on a look and ways of doing business.  Stand out by staying up-to-date.

Don’t let your talent go unnoticed and fade into the crowd.  Stand out by being unique, having fresh ideas and staying current.  That will get you noticed and enhance your competitive advantage.

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